An analysis will show how you approach conflicts and what criteria are necessary to solve conflicts successfully.
Workshop 1: Constructive conflict management and finding workable solutions (2 days)
You will deal intensively with how you can better recognise, assess, and resolve conflicts. The focus here is on practical experience. This means that you will be able to discuss and implement theoretical approaches based on concrete conflict situations.

If two have the same opinion, then one of them is superfluous.
Winston Churchill
Possible contents
- Definition of conflict
- Types of conflict, conflict types, conflict behaviour styles
- Driver test, meeting & evaluation
- Triggers of conflicts and behaviour patterns
- Interests and needs in conflict situations
- How do I conduct a conflict discussion?
- Rules for your own emotions
- Empathy & possible blockades in communication
- Team development exercise & analysis
- Strategies for conflict resolution
- Apply & solve your own cases
- Foundations for a motivating conflict culture
- Many practice-oriented exercises and analysis
- You recognise conflicts at an early stage
- You train 1:1 conversations based on your situations
- You receive feedback on how your message has been received and how it could be optimised
- You gain courage and self-confidence
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