How do you deal with this efficiently and effectively? Is e-mail the right medium? How can we save ourselves from the flood of e-mails? These questions are becoming increasingly central. A remarkably high increase in productivity can be achieved with the correct handling of e-mail.
Self-management seminar 2: Using e-mails efficiently & writing customer-oriented e-mails (Part I and II)
Today, e-mails are a matter of course in everyday working life. But do we also use this medium professionally? Today, e-mail is the no. 1 communication medium. An employee spends an average of 1 to 2 hours a day on e-mails.
Keine Zeit gibt es nicht. Nur andere Prioritäten.
Michael A. Denck
Possible contents – Part 1
- Work technology/time management in dealing with e-mail
- Managing the flood of e-mails
- Systematic processing of e-mails
- Filing of e-mails
- Writing recipient-oriented e-mails
- Using e-mail as a medium correctly
- Guidelines for the e-mail culture
- Dos & Dont’s
- More concentrated work, less distractions
- Better differentiate the important from the unimportant
- More serenity
Together we sharpen our eye for outdated idioms, negative wording and difficult messages. You replace the unnecessary with the useful and write in an understandable, friendly, and solution-oriented manner.
Possible contents – Part 2
- Perceiving and using a variety of words
- Fresh ideas for outdated phrases
- Formulate positively
- Respond to complaints in a relaxed and professional manner
- We optimise your texts or practise based on given texts
- Impulses for implementation in everyday life
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